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@  acceptance : (27 January 2025 - 08:32 PM) You're right, it really is nostalgic. Totally with Shu on that.
@  Shu : (15 November 2024 - 09:50 PM) Right you are
@  Elwood : (01 August 2024 - 03:41 AM) Wow a new post! ....aaaand it's a bot. Still, it's strangely nostalgic.
@  Oblivion Knight : (26 February 2024 - 11:30 AM) Whoa I can edit a typo. The technology.
@  Oblivion Knight : (26 February 2024 - 11:29 AM) Obligatory message.
@  Elwood : (02 January 2024 - 04:19 AM) Happy New Year!!!
@  Aaron : (13 February 2023 - 09:19 PM) I'm still out here alive. If you remember me, I hope you're doing well!
@  Aaron : (13 February 2023 - 09:09 PM) 2023 and this place is still up huhh
@  Elwood : (05 January 2023 - 07:58 AM) Ah a Christmas greeting from Wolfie! Even if I saw it way late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody!
@  Cero : (31 December 2022 - 09:27 PM) Man that bot went crazy
@  Whitewolf8 : (24 December 2022 - 10:02 AM) I return once more on the eve of Christmas to haunt you all again!... Mainly Elwood. Hello!
@  Elwood : (25 November 2022 - 04:58 AM) A bot! Ah the nostalgia!
@  Elwood : (02 November 2022 - 02:30 PM) Yo ho ho ho! Thar be the white wolf!
@  Whitewolf8 : (24 October 2022 - 12:29 AM) Well, blimey it's been a while. Hoy there! If anyone's still alive here anyway.
@  Valke : (21 April 2022 - 12:12 PM) im taking the 2nd shout of 2022 😂
@  Elwood : (03 March 2022 - 10:12 PM) Mwuhahaha! The first shout of 2022 is mine!
@  Fire Blazer : (12 November 2021 - 05:22 PM) *also stretches arms a little*
@  xcrash1998 : (07 November 2021 - 08:42 PM) "streches arms"
@  Ezra : (07 May 2021 - 05:20 AM) Maybe I'll pop on the discord soon
@  Fire Blazer : (01 April 2021 - 08:08 PM) Aaaaaaand done~ :P


New Trailer!

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4 replies to this topic

#1 Cero


    U wot m8?

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Posted 01 April 2015 - 11:12 PM


Honestly, this game looks bad ass. Confirmed some stuff like Avatar main character. And I'm hyped for changing the environments in maps and what those new classes are. Also those commander of Nohr and Hoshido look so awesome. Definitely choosing Nohr side first.

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#2 kirant


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 12:51 AM

I'm kind of disappointed by the colour scheme so far...it really feels like they had a story in mind and decided in the last few seconds "Hey, let's make a second story using our game's villains".

Maybe I'm old...maybe I'm just jaded. But the Nohr army honestly plays up about 90% of the expected "bad guy" tropes from stripperific female mages to the dark palette, horrifying king-guy, and more. One is literally described as glory-seeking which is typically used to describe villains and the other gets peace-loving...a typically heroic trait. Then the often used colour scheme in the video is black and white...often used for that black/white moral concept.

It seems like they want you to make a single choice but give you the option to go against what they're encouraging. Now I typically wouldn't say this except everything adds the same thought to it...down to colours. I'm hoping they make it much more morally ambiguous than the video suggests (such as the Hoshino are quite xenophobic and would brutally massacre every last Nohr citizen if you side with them...or maybe that the Nohr, for all their faults, actively encourage self-satisfaction and are far less strict on their people than the Hoshino are) but I get the vibe that they basically give you a playable villain route.

It also is kind of disappointing that it sounds like it'll come down to a single decision. I have gotten into a lot of branching games recently and I suspect this game will use a very strict moral system (as in, pick the obvious hero choice or the obvious villain choice) or will just ask you at one point "which side do you go to?", ala Skyrim's Civil War, where you get one final chance to defect to the side you want. I'm guessing it use the latter as I could see a lot of fan rage if they start along the lines of "Hey...I dislike the Nohr. Why did my character side with them? Is it because I was opportunistic?".

That said, I'll (probably) pre-order, own on day 1, and play the hell out of it because it's new FE material.

Shameless Self-Plug - Updated May 30 - A Letter to a Younger Me – Anime Edition

#3 ^Leo^


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 01:07 AM

I'm glad you typed all that kirant because now I don't have to. I like my branching paths to be not so set in stone morally speaking. Maybe I've just been spoiled by great rpgs, but if I see branching paths my expectations skyrocket. On the other hand in super excited to play it. Even if it doesn't improve on awakening it'll still be a great game.

#4 MageKnightPacífica



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Posted 02 April 2015 - 01:18 AM

I'm honestly so excited for it, but at the same time in a few days my hype's gonna die down and I'ma just hope it doesn't have a crap story like that, Kirant. I'm feeling all types of ways about this latest direct, really (Lucas! SMTxFE!).

#5 Fire Blazer

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Posted 02 April 2015 - 10:06 PM

I am personally super excited and I will be getting it ALL, lol.

I mean, ultimately I am a Fire Emblem fan so I kinda would have anyway, but the trailer did a good job of hyping me up with CGs and stuff and I am sold on two different approaches to the same story and decisions within that that ultimately affect how the game plays out... it seems fresh, dynamic, and potentially better than FE13

Maybe I'm old...maybe I'm just jaded. But the Nohr army honestly plays up about 90% of the expected "bad guy" tropes from stripperific female mages to the dark palette, horrifying king-guy, and more. One is literally described as glory-seeking which is typically used to describe villains and the other gets peace-loving...a typically heroic trait. Then the often used colour scheme in the video is black and white...often used for that black/white moral concept.

you have a point here, hopefully it's not nearly as black/white or full of stereotypes as it is made out to be right now. It seems like each side genuinely does care about certain things, but they have different base philosophies/mentalities/ways of going about things. One thing that was suggested was that as the Hoshido, you are playing a more straight-forward role of a hero, but with Nohr, you are changing them from the inside or playing a hero with a dab of "gray"; not nearly as clean-cut, maybe makes some shady decisions

It also is kind of disappointing that it sounds like it'll come down to a single decision. I have gotten into a lot of branching games recently and I suspect this game will use a very strict moral system (as in, pick the obvious hero choice or the obvious villain choice) or will just ask you at one point "which side do you go to?", ala Skyrim's Civil War, where you get one final chance to defect to the side you want. I'm guessing it use the latter as I could see a lot of fan rage if they start along the lines of "Hey...I dislike the Nohr. Why did my character side with them? Is it because I was opportunistic?".

That said, I'll (probably) pre-order, own on day 1, and play the hell out of it because it's new FE material.

What it sounds like is, after chapter 6, you will have a VERY clear decision where you to decide to go down one route or the other. If it's digital, you choose and get locked out of the other route, but if it's physical, it's already been decided based on what game you get (but you can download the other route afterwards either way). However, after that, how the actual story pans out once you choose a side seems to be affected by a lot of other things like smaller decisions, what you do in battles, etc.; we haven't seen specifics but this is just what they've kinda said and such.

I'm hopeful that they won't just make it a cheap version of a "split-path"/"decision-making" story and that they actually try (especially since they seem to be borrowing a bit from SMT here; just look at the game's title and the general themes and such...), but we'll see. As you said, I will almost definitely end up pre-ordering and owning on day 1 because it's new FE material and at the very least it deserves a chance tongue.gif

I'm glad you typed all that kirant because now I don't have to. I like my branching paths to be not so set in stone morally speaking. Maybe I've just been spoiled by great rpgs, but if I see branching paths my expectations skyrocket. On the other hand in super excited to play it. Even if it doesn't improve on awakening it'll still be a great game.

haha yeah getting spoiled by other games can be a problem, FE has done this and that in their stories but I don't know how well they can execute this, we'll have to wait and see if it's actually close to a masterpiece of a story or if it's just a shoddy gimmicky story. (It's probably somewhere in between, is what I think)

I'm honestly so excited for it, but at the same time in a few days my hype's gonna die down and I'ma just hope it doesn't have a crap story like that, Kirant. I'm feeling all types of ways about this latest direct, really (Lucas! SMTxFE!).

mhm mhm I'm also very excited and I kinda HOPE my hype dies down because I am way too excited and into it right now haha, and yeah LUCAS! SMTXFE! WOO!


Signature thanks to Shu.

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